Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bobbin lesson: All bobbins are not created equal

I took my sewing machine into the Singer Sewing Repair Center yesterday for some help on my thread-gets-caught-up-on-the-bobbin issue.  There are sewing machine repair places that are closer, but I figured with my luck I'd end up with some wacky, rare problem that only a Singer person could fix and decided it was better to take her to a dedicated professional.  A 45 minute drive later, it turns out that it was an easy fix.  I was using the wrong bobbin size. 

Did you know that there are different bobbin sizes?  There are!  My Singer came with some clear plastic bobbins and I loaded them up with various colors for specific projects.  When I needed more I just bought a package of metal ones, and wound a white one first.  I needed white for the bathroom curtain that I wanted to hem last week, so I popped in the metal bobbin with the white thread.  Its too tall!  The lovely ladies at the Singer Center informed me that my machine will only use Class 66 bobbins.

So the next time you go to buy bobbins, make sure you know what size fits in your machine.  All bobbins are not created equal!  You probably knew this already. I probably would have known this if I read the manual a little more carefully. 

So I got some Class 66 bobbins and made my way home, with dreams of sewing through the night.  Then my niece called and invited me over to watch the new Tinkerbell dvd and who could resist that?  The sewing has been postponed until this evening.  (And its a great movie! Tinkerbell is the cutest.)

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