
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fresh Start

I've been thinking alot about fresh starts lately.  I've just moved my home and business to a new state, and of course that makes for a fresh start in my entire world.  New house, new neighborhood, new shop location and the opportunity to put new habits in place that will be good for me, for my business and even for my dog.  Katie has certainly benefited already - she gets bored with travelling the same old path everyday, and we have lots of options for our morning, afternoon and evening walks now.  (I'm sure she misses 'the land of chicken bones' but it seems people here in Florida don't toss as many chicken wing bones outdoors as some of our Virginia neighbors did, thank goodness!)  As I mentioned, my dad got married last weekend and that's the fresh start of a lifetime.  Deciding on decorating themes is a slow process, but I've got some fresh starts in the new house too.

I've been surfing the blogging world alot lately for fun and inspiration, and I enjoy seeing banners and headers change with the seasons or with a new focus on a different craft or whatnot, so I thought I should get with the program, so now my blog has a fresh start as well.  I've switched to a new theme, added a wee bit of color and a custom header.  Its fun to shake things up every once in a while, and now things here are PINK!   I do miss having a big photo of a pink peony, but I think this change is for the good. 


Ah, that's better!

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