
Monday, March 2, 2009

Instant Gratification

I recently learned about a group of knitters and crocheters on Ravelry who are making things for the Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital in Baltimore.  They are collecting hats for the preemie babies in the NICU during March and April, so I thought I'd pitch in.   Preemie baby hats only take a couple of hours, and they are too cute for words!  I finished two in the last two days for starters.

Since I had a snow day today, I thought it would be a great chance to get in some extra knitting.  Bonus!  I did a wee bit of cleaning & work for the shop too, but the knitting was the most fun.  :)

First there's the Berry Baby Hat from randomstitches ...

[caption id="attachment_63" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Wee Berry Hat"]Wee Berry Hat[/caption]

And then there is the Lots of Eyelets Preemie Hat from P2Designs.  Love it too! Its fun to try new patterns on such tiny pieces - I'd love to borrow this border for something else sometime.  The border is not so easy to see in this photo, but its lovely.

[caption id="attachment_64" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Eyelet Preemie Hat"]Eyelet Preemie Hat[/caption]


Wonderful things come in little packages, and I am hoping that these little hats will keep some little packages warm and toasty during their time at the Children's Hospital.


  1. I'm so glad to see you're using my little Berry Baby Hat for the Hopkins preemies. My brother was a Hopkins undergrad and med school alum, and loved his adopted town of Baltimore (hon) so much. Although he passed away in 2003, I'm sure he would be happy that baby sister's handiwork has come home.

  2. What an awesome way to try out some patterns - instant gratification, a sense of contribution, stash busting, all in one go. What a great idea. And I love Michele's comment about the wonderful sense of a cycle coming back to Baltimore.

  3. Awesome on all counts. Definitely this is a win-win-win-win situation, in that you get to knit (fun), try new patterns (also fun), go from start to finish super quick (gratifying), not to mention it's all for a good cause.
